CALL US: 509-793-6216


Josh Black - Owner/Guide
I was born and raised in the heart of the Columbia Basin. Since I was a young boy I always had a passion for waterfowl hunting. Since my very first goose hunt, since the first time I heard and felt those wings beating above my head I was hooked. I have spent the last 15 years from September to January chasing these feathery creatures learning, teaching and perfecting the tricks of the trade. My dream is to share incredible hunting experiences with others that were once shared with me. I am honored to have this opportunity.
See you in the field, lets hunt!

Kody Vandeweghe - Guide
I started guiding for WBO in 2022, but I've been guiding in the Columbia Basin since 2007 that's 15 years! Hunting for me truly began with trapshooting, I started trapshooting in 1997 and then my first hunting trip was In the year 2000. Shooting trap in the summers lead to winters hunting with my dad and his buddies. Those winters taught me the fundamentals, sportsmanship and comradery of hunting. Its been an addiction ever since. Taking out the new generations, and getting first time hunters out in field has to be my favorite part of guiding.